Our video database
Physiotherapy exercises
Here you will find our database of homework videos to instruct the exercises that we can give you in our treatments

Although a physiotherapist can best help you treat complaints, there are also many benefits to doing exercises at home. Some advantages are:
You can practice at your own pace and at a time that suits you.
Practicing at home can help you speed up your recovery and reduce complaints.
It can save costs because you do not have to incur travel expenses or pay for consultations.
You can tailor your exercises to your specific complaints and needs.
Benefits of physiotherapy exercises at home
Physiotherapy exercises at home: prevent and treat pain and stiffness
If you suffer from physical complaints, such as pain and stiffness, then physiotherapy help you get better again. By means of special exercises, a physiotherapist can ensure that your muscles and joints become more flexible again. But what if you don't have the time or opportunity to go to the physiotherapist? Fortunately, there are also many exercises you can do at home. On this page we share the best physiotherapy exercises at home to prevent and treat pain and stiffness.